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Where Do Black Widow Spiders Go in the Winter Time in Manor, TX & How to Keep Out of Your Yard


During the cold winter season, black widow spiders seem to disappear. Some may ask where they go and when to expect them back. As many know, black widow spiders are among the top venomous spider species in Texas and throughout America. This is why controlling spider black widows is at the top of the list. For those who wonder where black widow spiders go during the winter and when to begin preparing your home and yard for their arrival in the spring, A-Tex Pest Management will explain.

Overwintering Spider Pests

Black widow spiders are an overwintering species. When the temperatures drop, they will look for a safe or secluded area where they can curl up tightly and enter a dormant state. They will hide in cracks, or the bark of tree sheds, and even under large rocks. They will remain dormant as long as they are exposed to cold temperatures. However, if a black widow spider invades the inside of the home, where it remains warm, they may stay active. Black widow spiders prefer places where they can find food, including insects and other spiders. However, black widow spiders can go months in between feeding, making it possible for them to crawl around your home all winter.

In most cases, black widow spiders will look for a safe place to build their web and hide during the day. Unless the black widow spider has laid an egg sack, a major invasion during the winter is rare. As the temperatures warm up, the spider’s metabolic rate increases. This will awaken the black widow spider. Most black widow spiders only live a few years. A female can lay up to 900 eggs in a single egg sack and will only reproduce once or twice in her lifetime. As it may seem like 900 eggs is a lot, many won’t make it to adulthood. The babies will eat each other if they don’t have a food source.

How to Keep Black Widow Spiders Out of My House or Yard

Controlling black widow spiders as the temperatures rise becomes essential. Five percent of all black widow bites are fatal, lead to severe sickness, and require medical aid. To help control black widow spiders, it is best to start before the temperatures get warmer. Start by sealing the home from the outside. Especially after the cold winter, inspect the outside of your home for any cracks or gaps that a spider can use to enter the home. Also, look around the yard. Spiders will hide in planter beds, block walls, and other manufactured areas that may provide a dark hole for them to hide. Fill in all the cracks and gaps you find with a concrete mix or silicone caulking glue. Ensure you also have your home's exterior edges sprayed with an insecticide. To keep spiders out, you will want to have a barrier that can keep them out, such as a pesticide or insecticide that can control spiders. It is also recommended to keep your home clean, including inside the garage, in the shed, and around the edges of the home. Avoid clutter; it can provide hiding places for black widow spiders and serve as a food source. Other pests are drawn to clutter and debris, which will draw in other insects and spiders. To prevent a significant infestation of pests, including black widow spiders, clean the outer areas as clean as possible.

Spider Pest Inspections, Treatment & More in Austin, Round Rock, Leander, Pflugerville & Cedar Park, Texas

If you need additional help controlling spiders and other pests, contact A-Tex Pest Management. We provide year-round pest control services. For quality pest control servicescontact A-Tex Pest Management today.