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The Top Foods That Attract Cockroaches to Your Home

cockroach crawling on bread

Sweets and Candies

Cockroaches have a notorious sweet tooth, making sugary foods like sweets and candies a prime target for these pests. Leftover candies, especially those left out in the open or improperly sealed, can quickly become a magnet for cockroaches. These pests are drawn to the high sugar content, which provides them with a quick and easy source of energy. It's not just the candies themselves that are problematic; even the smallest crumbs or sticky residues can attract cockroaches. To prevent this, always store sweets in airtight containers and clean up any spills or crumbs immediately.

Soda and Fruit Juices

Spilled soda and fruit juices are another major attractant for cockroaches. The sugary, sticky environment created by these spills is irresistible to them. Even a small amount of spilled soda can attract a large number of cockroaches, as they can detect the sugar from a considerable distance. It's crucial to clean up any spills immediately and thoroughly, ensuring that no sticky residue is left behind. Additionally, consider using a straw or a spill-proof cup to minimize the risk of spills in the first place.

Baked Goods

Cakes, cookies, and pastries are not just a treat for humans; they are also a favorite for cockroaches. The combination of sugar and starch in these baked goods makes them particularly appealing to these pests. If left out on the counter or stored improperly, they can quickly attract cockroaches. To prevent this, always store baked goods in airtight containers and avoid leaving them out overnight. Additionally, make sure to clean up any crumbs or spills immediately to reduce the risk of attracting these unwanted guests.

Bread and Crackers

Bread and crackers are common household staples, but they can also be a significant attractant for cockroaches. Crumbs from bread and crackers can easily fall into hard-to-reach places, providing a steady food source for these pests. Additionally, improperly stored bread can quickly become a target for cockroaches. To prevent this, always store bread and crackers in airtight containers and clean up any crumbs immediately. Regularly check behind appliances and in other hidden areas for crumbs that may have fallen out of sight.

Pasta and Rice

Starchy foods like pasta and rice are another favorite for cockroaches. These foods are particularly appealing when left out or improperly sealed. Cockroaches can easily chew through paper or plastic packaging to get to these starchy treats. To prevent this, always store pasta and rice in airtight containers made of glass or thick plastic. Additionally, avoid leaving cooked pasta or rice out on the counter, as this can quickly attract cockroaches.


Potatoes, especially when decaying, can be a significant attractant for cockroaches. The starch in potatoes provides a rich food source for these pests, and the decaying process makes them even more appealing. To prevent this, store potatoes in a cool, dry place and regularly check for any signs of decay. If you notice any decaying potatoes, dispose of them immediately to prevent attracting cockroaches.

Meat and Poultry

Raw and cooked meats are highly attractive to cockroaches due to their high protein content. These pests are particularly drawn to the smell of meat, making proper disposal and storage crucial. Always store raw meat in the refrigerator and ensure that cooked meat is stored in airtight containers. Additionally, clean up any spills or drips immediately to prevent attracting cockroaches. Proper disposal of meat scraps is also essential; consider using a sealed trash can to keep cockroaches at bay.

Cheese and Dairy Products

Dairy products, particularly cheese, can be a significant attractant for cockroaches. The high fat and protein content in cheese make it particularly appealing to these pests. To prevent this, always store cheese and other dairy products in the refrigerator and ensure that they are sealed properly. Additionally, clean up any spills or crumbs immediately to reduce the risk of attracting cockroaches.

Pet Food

Pet food can be a major attractant for cockroaches if not stored properly. These pests are drawn to the high protein content in pet food, making it essential to store it in airtight containers. Additionally, avoid leaving pet food out overnight, as this can quickly attract cockroaches. Consider using a feeding schedule to minimize the amount of time that pet food is left out and clean up any spills or crumbs immediately.

Fruit and Vegetable Peels

Organic waste like fruit and vegetable peels can be a significant attractant for cockroaches. These pests are drawn to the moisture and nutrients in these peels, making proper disposal crucial. Always dispose of fruit and vegetable peels in a sealed trash can and consider using a compost bin with a tight-fitting lid to prevent attracting cockroaches. Additionally, clean up any spills or crumbs immediately to reduce the risk of attracting these pests.

Leftover Meals

Leftover meals can quickly attract cockroaches if not stored properly. These pests are drawn to the moisture and nutrients in leftovers, making it essential to store them in airtight containers. Avoid leaving leftovers out on the counter, as this can quickly attract cockroaches. Additionally, clean up any spills or crumbs immediately to reduce the risk of attracting these pests.

Compost Bins

Compost bins can be a significant attractant for cockroaches if not managed properly. These pests are drawn to the organic waste in compost bins, making it essential to use a bin with a tight-fitting lid. Additionally, regularly turn the compost to ensure that it is breaking down properly and to reduce the risk of attracting cockroaches. Consider placing the compost bin away from the house to further reduce the risk of attracting these pests.

Grease and Oil

Grease and oil spills, especially in the kitchen, can be a major attractant for cockroaches. These pests are drawn to the high fat content in grease and oil, making it essential to clean up any spills immediately. Regularly clean behind appliances and in other hard-to-reach areas where grease and oil can accumulate. Additionally, consider using a grease trap to prevent spills and reduce the risk of attracting cockroaches.

Alcoholic Beverages

Beer and other alcoholic beverages can be surprisingly appealing to cockroaches. The sugars and yeast in these beverages make them particularly attractive to these pests. To prevent this, always clean up any spills immediately and avoid leaving open containers of alcoholic beverages out overnight. Additionally, consider using a spill-proof cup to minimize the risk of spills.

Cardboard and Paper Products

Cardboard and paper products, often used for food packaging, can attract cockroaches due to food residue and their cellulose content. These pests are drawn to the food residue left on these products, making it essential to dispose of them properly. Always break down cardboard boxes and dispose of them in a sealed trash can. Additionally, avoid storing food in cardboard or paper packaging for extended periods to reduce the risk of attracting cockroaches.

A-Tex Pest Management Knows How to Deal with Cockroaches

If you're struggling with cockroach infestations in your home, it's time to take action. At A-Tex Pest Management, we specialize in providing effective pest control solutions to keep your home cockroach-free. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you maintain a clean and pest-free environment. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our comprehensive pest control services. Don't let cockroaches take over your home – let A-Tex Pest Management help you reclaim your space.

Call A-Tex Pest Management now at (512) 714-3383 or send us a message online.